Dandelion: Taraxacum Officinale


[This posts features my original botanical sketches]

For me, the most marvellous manifestations of spring are the bright dandelions emerging from previously barren, frost-glazed soil – bringing promises of brighter days to come.  The humble dandelion is so often maligned as a weed, however these perennial plants have a rich therapeutic history.

dandelion - Edited (2) (1)

Nearly half a millennium ago, Nicolas Culpeper, a prominent herbalist of the early 1600s, noted that the dandelion has “an opening and cleansing quality” and remarked upon its efficacy at treating liver ailments (including cirrhosis) as well as diseases of the spleen and gall-bladder. Many of Culpeper’s contemporaries, and indeed modern herbalists, also acknowledge the powerful diuretic properties of dandelion leaves and root.

Dandelions have even proven valuable in cutting-edge pharmaceuticals. Researchers from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Windsor, Canada,  have found that dandelion root extract can efficiently kill certain types of aggressive leukaemia cells. This extract can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) and autophagy (wherein the cancer cell breaks down its own organelles), and even disrupt mitochondrial membranes. The lack of toxins and alkaloids in the plant, combined with the extract’s selectivity for leukaemia cells, makes the dandelion a particularly promising candidate for safe chemotherapy applications.

Ovadje, P., Hamm, C., & Pandey, S. (2012). Efficient induction of extrinsic cell death by dandelion root extract in human chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) cells. PloS one7(2), e30604. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030604



Nancy Rothwell Award 2018: Shortlisted




Driven by my deep-rooted admiration of the orca, a beautifully designed cetacean, I spent the late summer days sketching for hours – trying to capture the fascinating form of the toothed whale. Whilst I was working on this drawing, I learnt about the fascinating science behind their adaptions for attack (such as the immensely powerful hypaxial muscles that allow it to wield its tail to paralyse prey and the streamlined body that enhances its hydrodynamic movement) and reflected this in my art.

I finally completed this intricate exploded view of the external anatomy, muscles, and skeleton in September and immediately entered it into the Nancy Rothwell competition. Recently, delightful news arrived in my inbox; I was absolutely ecstatic to learn that my entry was shortlisted for the 15 – 18 year old category.

Last night, I attended an amazing awards ceremony, hosted by the RSB, in celebration of the shortlisted and winning entries for the Nancy Rothwell Award as well as the Photography Competition and Outreach and Engagement Awards.


The evening was wonderful and I even had the chance to network with scientists and professionals in a variety of bioscience fields whilst devouring delicious canapés.

I left feeling proud and accomplished but, most of all, inspired.

Of the Kingdom of the Dead


[Warning: due to the nature of this article, there will be graphic images depicting blood]

When you see the term ‘apex predator’, what comes to mind?

Perhaps the more egoistic, yet accurate, response is ‘me’. Humans are highly skilled predators with no natural threat from any other species and that is largely due to our intelligence and ability to form complex social groups. We may not be physically designed to be the best at killing but we have a unique advantage: we kill differently. We have created sophisticated technology to contain, control, and kill animals, we specifically exploit weak and naïve prey, and we even cooperate with other species (such as dogs) to hunt.

Perhaps it is out of modesty (or mild horror at our species’ innate success in killing), but the first creature to come to mind when I think of apex predators is the majestic orca.


orca hunt


Often referred to as the ‘killer whale’, these cetaceans are clearly not prey; however, this term is a source of misconceptions. Firstly, ‘killer whales’ aren’t even really whales – they are actually dolphins. Furthermore, they are not as ruthlessly violent as the name might suggest and, in fact, there are no confirmed reports of an orca ever preying on or attacking people in their natural habitat – which is surprising when you factor in how poorly humans have treated them. Even the scientific name for this noble beast (Orcinus orca) has strong connotations of murder; the genus name directly translates to ‘of the kingdom of the dead’ and orca is derived from the Latin Orcus (god of the underworld and tormentor of the sinful). A rather harsh name for a species that never hunted us…

That is not to say that orcas do not kill. Orcas are the natural predators of squid, shark, otters, sea lions, penguins, birds, octopi, dolphins, and many other creatures. Their key to success in hunting is two-fold. In part, their success can be attributed to their remarkable design. I have forever been fascinated by the elegant form of the orca; it is an amazingly well-adapted cetacean. Its immensely powerful hypaxial muscles allow it to wield its tail to paralyse prey whilst the streamlined (almost bullet-shaped) body enhances its hydrodynamic movement. But neither these adaptations nor its sharp teeth are what make orcas so lethal.

The killer whale’s weapon of choice is its brain.

Pods of orcas have developed innovative hunting strategies which are passed down through multiple generations and which vary depending on the region and prey. Here are four of their best game plans.


Ambush on the Shore. You can’t blame sea lions in the Atlantic to let their guard down once they finally reach the coast of South America- it’s natural for them to assume that their oceanic predators can’t touch them on land. Unfortunately, this is a severe underestimation of the lengths killer whales will go to in order to get their favourite meal. For many of these careless creatures, the façade of security shatters as orcas charge at the shore and beach themselves in an attempt to snatch up a sea lion with its sharp jaws.

shore ambush


A Crippling Blow. Even one of the most popular predators and the most vicious of its kind, the great white shark, is not immune to it only natural enemy – the orca. But hunting sharks presents a major threat to the orca as, when it comes to self-defence, great whites have a far superior design to the orca’s typical prey. Rows of glistening, razor-sharp serrated teeth can tear even the thickest whale hide. Orcas must level the playing field if they want to hunt sharks: the killer whale wields its heavy tail, raising it high into the air and crashing it down on the shark’s head before flipping the disoriented victim over with its deft flukes. This complex move forces the shark into a state of “tonic immobility”. Now paralysed, the shark cannot protect itself against its predator – making it a more vulnerable, easy prey.

attack sharks

Orca vs Great White


Carousel Feeding. Orcas don’t just pick on creatures their own size; many pods also hunt smaller fish such as mackerel. Hunting smaller creatures does have a major drawback as a few small fish isn’t even a light snack for an orca- in order for the hunt to be worthwhile, they must cause as much carnage as possible. For this reason, orcas work together in small pods to gather hundreds of fish into a tight shoal (a ‘bait ball’) and, when a significant amount of prey is collected in one area, an orca will strike at the bait ball with its tail. The force of this strike stuns and kills the fish – preventing any escapes and allowing the orcas to feed on massive amounts of fish with minimal effort.

carousel feeding

Creating a ‘bait ball’


Blowhole blocking. Orcas don’t limit themselves to smaller prey either. They are known to orchestrate persistent attacks on enormous cetaceans such as grey, humpback and even blue whales. With a target that can be multiple times larger than themselves, orca pods must first weaken their prey by ramming, biting, and pulling on the whale’s pectoral fins- gradually sapping its strength. Then they launch themselves onto the whale’s back and entirely block its blowhole- suffocating their victim. Eventually, drained of energy and asphyxiated, the exhausted giant drowns.

blowhole blocking

Orca vs Minke Whale (Credit: National Geographic)


These modes of attack, carefully tailored to the prey and situation, reveal the sheer mental capacity that sets the orca apart from the plethora of deadly creatures from the depths of the ocean.

A ruthless, calculating mind is what makes the orca the true predator of predators.

The featured illustration of this post is a charcoal and pencil sketch of potential anatomy drawings of the orca; I created these sketches in preparation for the Nancy Rothwell Award competition.

Anatomy of a Pitcher Plant





Pitcher plants from the Nepenthes family have evolved to survive in soil that is scarce in minerals or very acidic. Instead of synthesising glucose in order to survive, these plants attain energy from the insect prey. Interestingly, this is one of the few cases in which a plant is not at the bottom of the food chain as a producer.

The pitcher plant has many adaptation which enable it to attract and digest prey.

Bright anthocyanin pigments and nectar attract insects to the plant. These insects are likely to settle on the rim (peristome), which is slippery with nectar, and fall into the trap. Some pitcher plants contain waxy scales, downward pointing hairs, or even aldehyde crystals to prevent insects from climbing out.

The small body of pitcher fluid (known as a phytotelma) drown the insect and gradually dissolve it through numerous ways:

  • Bacterial action in which bacteria that has been washed into the plant via rainfall dissolves the insect)
  • Enzyme action
    • Some pitcher plants contain enzymes that can break down gluten- creating the possibility of finding a cure to coeliac disease
  • Mutualistic insect larvae – by far the most fascinating method of digestion in which the plant protects insect larvae which feed on the prey and excrete substances that the plant then uses




Whilst trudging through Ashdown Forest in April as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Expedition, I chanced upon a bone that was almost buried under the layer of foliage that covered the forest floor. It was pretty well hidden but my eyesight had become quite sharp after playing a never-ending game of ‘I spy’ (our group had collectively lost all creativity by midday).  Besides the occasional stray sheep, this was the only fascinating find- so naturally, it was coming home with me.

I later identified the bone (pictured below) to be the mandible (lower jaw) of a deer.


Out of sheer curiosity, I proceeded to delve deeper into the topic of deer and their anatomy and see just how much a single bone could reveal.

(I have drawn all the diagrams and sketches myself in order to further my explanations.)


The mandible is light (weighing less than 200 grams) and has been broken at the mental foramen (see Figure 2) so that the incisors have been lost.  All the teeth are present and fairly firmly attached but can be moved slightly from side to side in their socket. (Side note- shaking the mandible like a rattle next to your friend’s ear just as they’re about to fall asleep is a sure-fire way to get thrown out of the tent!)


Initially, I thought it was of a Whitetail Deer (Odocoileus Virginianus), but it is more likely to be of a Fallow Deer (Dama Dama) due to ecological factors. The fallow deer belongs to the Cervidae family and is a species that is native to Western Europe. The male of the species is called a buck and the female, a doe. The average lifespan of a fallow deer in 12 to 16 years. Knowing this, we can infer that the deer in question did not die from natural causes (more on this later).

There are four common variants of fallow deer:

  • Common- chestnut coat with white mottling
  • Menil – similar to the common variant but with more distinctive spots
  • Melanistic- black or dark grey coat
  • Leucistic – white coat lacking any pigmentation


A closer look at the mandible reveals teeth marks (some deep but most are shallow) on the diastema, proving that it was definitely gnawed on by a smaller animal (see the figure above). If the teeth marks had been shallower and fewer, I would have assumed that it had only been picked up or roughly handled. Since there are many deeper marks, it is likely that the mandible had been chewed for its mineral value.

Bone is rich in salts of calcium and phosphates which are beneficial minerals for bone growth. The major salt is hydroxyapatite. Its chemical formula is Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 and it has a complex crystalline structure.

Due to its mineral benefits, some animals (including giraffes) actually consume bones. This process is known as osteophagy and is more common in herbivores as vegetation tends to provide very little calcium. This mandible does not appear to be a ‘victim’ of attempted osteophagy, however, as the teeth marks appear to be those of a carnivore.

The occasional deep scratch found on the corpus also suggests that an animal roughly handled the bone when it was mostly clean of flesh.

Teeth can also reveal a lot about the deer, but to understand these ‘secrets’, we must first understand the anatomy of teeth.

Teeth are comprised of two substances: enamel and dentin.

Enamel is a very hard, white(ish), highly mineralised tissue that acts as a barrier to protect the tooth. Dentin is a yellow/brown tissue that is both less brittle and less mineralised- it is needed to support the enamel. (See the figures below).



As a deer ages, their teeth wear down. The lingual crests are the first to be sanded down and over time, more of the dentin becomes exposed. The enamel to dentin ratio can be measured to easily age the deer. From the mandible I found, I can infer that the deer was around three and a half years old at the time of death as the amount of dentin is twice the amount of enamel.

The Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions are a time of self-discovery and exploration- but on my most recent expedition, I discovered something far greater- the potential of research and the simple, yet immense, joy it can bring.