Through the Looking Glass


Through The Looking Glass

Lewis Carroll’s sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was a firm favourite of mine in childhood. After all these years, memories of the mirror world Alice falls into come flooding back to me as I study organic chemistry.

In Through the Looking Glass, initially the mirror-world Alice explores is almost exactly the same as the world we are all familiar with except it’s a mirror image. For instance, Alice opens a book of poems and expects to see the words


but is astounded to instead find written


The words on her page are mirror images of each other but, within these words, some of the letters appear identical to what Alice expected to find (A, W, & O). An ‘A’ from the mirror-world is a superimposable mirror-image of an ‘A’ from the regular world. For some letters, however, this is certainly not the case; J, B, E, R, C, and K are not identical to their mirror-world counterparts. These letters are non-superimposable mirror images.

Now let’s imagine an even stranger world where the word ‘JABBERWOCKY’ is arranged like this:


In this three-dimensional arrangement, these little groups of letters are bonded together and frozen in this specific spatial arrangement with ‘C’ protruding out of the page and ‘KY’ extending back into the page.

In a mirror-world, we would expect to find the mirror image of this strange 3-D word:


These two 3-D words are mirror images of each other but they are non-superimposable. Even if Alice were to reach into the page and twist the ‘mirror-world’ word around by 180 degrees, it would not be identical to our original 3-D word since the ‘C’ would be extending back into the page instead of protruding out of it.


mirror-world rotation



instead of

Hence, the original 3-D word and the mirror-world word are non-superimposable mirror images. This Lewis Carroll analogy has been stretched to its limits so let’s return the realm of organic chemistry…

Many organic compounds also have non-superimposable mirror-image molecules. Such pairs of molecule are known as enantiomers. These doppelgangers are optical isomers since they differ in terms of spatial arrangement and not atom connectivity. Optical isomerism can arise from the fascinating concept of chirality. Chiral molecules possess at least one carbon atom bonded to four different groups (a chiral centre) and are not identical to their mirror image molecule.

Any molecule which exhibits reflective symmetry is, by definition, achiral; this means that all the amazing asymmetrical molecules that make up biological systems are chiral – opening up new avenues of complexity and complications.

When chiral molecules are synthesised in the laboratory, the specific enantiomer formed is determined by random chance and so chemists usually end up with a 50/50 split of the two enantiomers; this mixture, known as a racemate, is chemically pure but has different optical properties and different interactions in biological systems – ushering in a plethora of unforeseen obstacles and opportunities.

Drugs with Doppelgangers

All the components of living systems, right down to enzyme and receptor molecules, are chiral and so can only interact with one of the enantiomers of any pair of molecular twins. Therefore, the ‘active’ enantiomer of a drug has a three-dimensional structure that perfectly aligns with the binding site whereas the inactive enantiomer cannot bind in the same way no matter how much you rotate it.

Chiral carbon & chiral drugs | Stereochemistry (article) | Khan ...

A great example of this is epinephrine, more commonly known as adrenaline; the receptor site on the post-synaptic membrane of a neuron contains three binding sites complementary to the three functional groups of the more active enantiomer. Firstly, there is an anionic site which can form electrostatic forces of attraction with the positively charged ammonium ion group. At the opposite end of the molecule, the phenolic ring is attracted to the flat site of the receptor with π-π interactions.Receptor

The final receptor site can form hydogen bonds with the β-hydroxyl group attached to the chiral carbon in the active enantiomer of epinephrine. The inactive enantiomer, on the other hand, has a different orientation of the β-hydroxyl group so cannot form this crucial intermolecular bond. Hence, this enantiomer only has two points of contact with the receptor molecule – resulting in a hundred-fold decrease in activity which makes it ‘inactive’.

Each molecule in a synthetic epinephrine racemate has a 50/50 chance of being the active enantiomer and, thus, an effective neurotransmitter which means that higher doses are needed to achieve a desirable outcome such as an increase in post-synaptic action potentials. Needless to say, organisms would waste far too much energy synthesising biological molecules if only half of them could be metabolically active. Otherwise, for both enantiomers to be catalysed, our DNA would need to code for twice as many enzymes and receptor proteins which is similarly inefficient. In order to overcome this issue of ensuring complementary chirality, life plays by an entirely different set of rules.

The Principle of Homochirality

All life forms on earth exclusively synthesise and use L-amino acids and D-sugars so all naturally-occurring molecules are enantiomerically pure. This principle of homochirality can be explained from a biological standpoint by turning back the hands of time to the point where life first starting flourishing on earth.

When early life was first evolving, the enzymes synthesised by a microorganism would have been complementary to either the L-enantiomer or D-enantiomer, however the microorganism’s environment would have consisted mainly of one enatiomer or the other. The only microorganisms that survived and multiplied in our early environment would be ones that produces enzymes complementary to the most prevalent enantiomer of any molecule. Since early microorganisms were in environments abundant in D-sugars and L-amino acids, selective pressures would give rise to populations of microorganisms with enzymes and receptors only complementary to these enantiomers. Hence, every subsequent organism evolved from these early life forms would also be force to use the same amino acid and sugar enantiomers as its predecessors: resulting in universal enantiomer preferences.


There is a straightforward reason as to why D-sugars are more abundant than their L-enantiomer counterparts; sugars can spontaneously undergo cyclisation reactions to form the ring structures we are more familiar with. D-sugars form more stable rings than L-sugars and so are more prevalent in our environment.


circularly polarised light

The reason for the prevalence of L-amino acid is less intuitive and requires us to venture even further back in time to before life even began. Chirality doesn’t just exist at a molecular level; our galaxy itself rotates with a chiral spin which causes cosmic dust to circularly polarise the light travelling through space. From studying amino acid residue in meteors and comets, we can ascertain that circularly polarised light degrades D-amino acids to a greater extent than L-amino acids, resulting in the greater stability of L-amino acids.

This discrepancy in amino acid degradation, however, is not sufficient to explain the exclusive presence of L-amino acids in biological systems. Hence, we must consider the biochemistry behind the formation of chiral compounds.

In a primordial mixture of amino acids on earth, L-enantiomers act as auto-catalysts and catalyse their own formation, increasing the rate of L-enantiomer formation with increasing concentrations. Additionally, L-enantiomers can bind to D-enantiomers in a process known as mutual antagonism which inhibits auto-catalysis and further formation of the D-enantiomer. Auto-catalysis of L-amino acids, in combination with mutual antagonism, serve to exacerbate the discrepancy in amino acid ‘survival’, contributing to the favouring of L-amino acids over D-amino acids on our planet.

Isomer Inversion


Although almost all receptor and enzyme active sites in the body are only complementary to L-amino acids and D-sugars, certain enzymes, known as racemases, can convert a molecule’s inactive twin into the appropriate enantiomer in the process of stereochemical inversion. AMACR, for instance, converts a range of molecules from the R-enantiomer to the S-enantiomer.

One such molecule is the nation’s favourite painkiller: ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is administered as a racemate but undergoes a series of changes in the body (catalysed by AMACR) which convert all the R-ibuprofen to S-Ibuprofen which can inhibit cyclooxygenases and reduce the production of prostaglandins – hence creating an anti-inflammatory effect.

Increase in AMACR activity above certain threshold is hallmark of prostate cancer as AMACR is used to invert the chirality of molecules involved in accelerated cell proliferation and tumour growth. A prospective treatment of prostate cancer involves administering ibuprofen to prostate cells so that excess AMACR will catalyse the formation of S-Ibuprofen instead of molecules associated with tumour growth, resulting in a chemopreventive effect.

Mirror Milk

‘How would you like to live in Looking-glass House, Kitty?

I wonder if they’d give you milk in there?

Perhaps Looking-glass milk isn’t good to drink…’

In Through the Looking Glass, Alice raises the concern of her cat drinking looking-glass milk. From what we now understand of chirality, it is safe to say that neither the cat, nor Alice herself, would fare well in a mirror-world where their digestive enzymes cannot break down milk which is rich in D-amino acids an L-sugars (although the fats in milk, which are all achiral and therefore unchanged, could provide them with enough energy to make a quick escape).

But perhaps Kitty’s enantiomeric twin produces enzyme and receptor molecules proficient in synthesising and utilising these strange enantiomers.

Perhaps mirror-cats are partial to mirror-milk



A Bloody Tale of Iron


Metal ions within the body act as a double-edged sword; they are essential for the functions of our cells, organs, and immune system however, in excess, they pose a toxic threat. Hence, metal homeostasis is vital to rein in the concentration of these trace elements and inorganic compounds.

Despite not being the most abundant in the body, iron is arguably the most renowned trace element with its notable role in the circulatory system. At a cellular level, it is involved in a vast range of metabolic processes in the form of coenzymes, electron transporters, oxygen carries, and as part of over 500 other metalloproteins.


Image result for crab bloodWithin the body, Fe (II) ions are best known for forming heme-complexes, porphyrin molecules which can be incorporated into proteins to create oxygen carriers (such as hemoglobin and myoglobin). Iron is not the only transition metal that can act as an oxygen carrier; copper is the central ion in the heme complexes of horseshoe crabs and snails – giving their blood a beautiful shade of blue.

Image result for heme

Porphyrin acts as a tetradentate chelating agent by forming 4 coordinate bonds to Fe (II) ion with the lone pairs on its nitrogen atoms. The resulting structure, heme, is a type of metalloporphyrin.

In a hemoglobin molecule, an oxygen molecule and the globin protein act as the final two ligands that coordinate bond to the central Fe (II) ion.

Image result for porphyrin

‘His’ =  the amino acid, histidine, from the globin protein



Hemoglobin, an oxygen carrier protein synthesised in proerythroblasts, comes in three different flavours depending on subtle differences in the ligated protein chains.

Hb A is most abundant in adults and consists of two alpha chains and two beta chains each with a different affinity for oxygen. Nestled within each protein chain is a heme group with a Fe (II) ion primed to bind to oxygen molecules in gas exchange regions.

Hemoglobin is a fascinating molecular machine which regulates oxygen transport by modifying its affinity for oxygen through a series of small rotations to achieve much larger structural changes.

It’s spurred into action by the binding of oxygen to the sixth coordination binding site on a single Fe (II) ion. In its deoxygenated state, the Fe (II) ion is actually slightly too large to fit into the porphyrin ring structure and lies slightly below the plane of the ring. When an oxygen molecule binds to the sixth coordination site on the ion, however, the electron density is pulled away from the Fe (II) ion by the more electronegative oxygen atom reducing its ionic radius and allowing it to slot into the centre of the porphyrin plane.

Image result for fe oxygenation hb

This tiny movement inwards of just 0.4 Å causes a cascade of structural changes which enables positive cooperativity in the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin. When the Fe (II) ion moves into the plane of the porphyrin, the ‘proximal His’ histidine residue bound to the fifth coordination site is pulled up with it. This amino acid component is part of the much larger α helix of the globin polypeptide which also moves inwards.

In deoxygenated (T-state) hemoglobin, the alpha and beta chains are non-covalently bonded with weak ionic bonds and hydrogen bonds. This forms heterodimers which holds the overall structure in tension and essentially covers oxygen binding sites – resulting in a lower affinity for oxygen.  The binding of oxygen to the first subunit causes the entire alpha chain to move and drags along the final carboxyl group of the last amino acid in this alpha helix.

Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 1.40.20 PM

In the T-state, this carboxyl group interacts with the last amino acid of the beta chains to form heterodimers. Its rotation disrupts the hydrogen bonds involved in dimerisation – resulting in the structural transition in one subunit being directly transmitted to all the other subunits.

The ability of subunits to ‘communicate’ with each other in response to oxygen binding is at the heart of the theory of positive cooperativity and the Bohr effect. As heme  groups become oxygenated, hydrogen bonds between heterodimers are disrupted so more oxygen binding sites are uncovered, hence increasing oxygen affinity. This enables hemoglobin to quickly load oxygen in gas exchange surfaces.




The subtle rotations that occur during oxygenation which uncover more binding sites and increase affinity for oxygen


Oxygenation even affects hemoglobin on a macroscopic level.

In deoxygenated Hb, each Fe (II) ion has 4 unpaired electrons exposed in the subunit’s heme centre – making the molecule  paramagnetic.

In oxygenated Hb, on the other hand, all coordination sites around the iron atom are occupied and so Fe (II) has no unpaired electrons and is weakly diamagnetic.





When exposed to a radiofrequency pulse, this unique magnetic property of hemoglobin results in slightly different electromagnetic emissions from the hydrogen protons within the molecule depending on the level of oxygenation. This phenomenon forms the crux of blood-oxygen-level dependent functional MRI (BOLD fMRI), in which the amount of oxygenated Hb reaching key structures of the brain can be visualised and quantified.

When exposed to a radiofrequency pulse, this unique magnetic property of haemoglobin results in slightly different electromagnetic emissions from the hydrogen protons within the molecule depending on the level of oxygenation. This phenomenon forms the crux of blood-oxygen-level dependent functional MRI (BOLD fMRI), in which the amount of oxygenated Hb reaching key structures of the brain can be visualised and quantified.

Assuming that an increase in neuronal activity is always accompanied with an increase in oxygen demand, and hence oxygenated blood flow in local capillaries, BOLD fMRI can be used to monitor the hallmark decreases in activity of brains suffering neurodegeneration.


Iron not only plays a role in the detection of neurodegenerative disease, but also the development. When iron homeostasis goes out of control, elevated iron concentration in the cerebral spinal fluid result in the generation of radical oxygen species which damage neurons – exerting oxidative stress which damages organelles and affects the processing of proteins such as amyloid precursor protein.  Additionally, iron binds to and accelerates the precipitation of these proteins – resulting in the formation of hard, insoluble amyloid plaques.

These plaques aggregate at the synapses (the junctions between neurons)and interrupt cellular  signalling whilst simultaneously activating the immune system to trigger inflammation which kills surrounding neurons as collateral damage. The resulting neurodegeneration is known as the infamous Alzheimer’s disease.

Image result for deferiproneIron chelators, such as deferiprone, can act as bidentate ligands and bind to excess rogue Fe (II) ions. This prevents the metal ions interfering with cellular respiration and aggregating amyloid precursor protein so no radical oxygen species are generated and plaque formation is prevented.

(Three molecules of deferiprone act as chelating agents).




The role of iron and its metalloproteins in the body is rich and varied; when at optimal levels, it facilitates the transport of oxygen as part of the marvellous molecular machine and respiratory pigment, hemoglobin. However, as concentration rises to a dangerous excess, the transition element reveals its darker side by accelerating the precipitation of amyloid plaques and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Bioinorganic ions and the metalloproteins they form are a fascinating aspect of biochemistry and one that I hope to cover in greater detail in future articles.



  • Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L. and Lubert Stryer (2015). Hemoglobin Transports Oxygen Efficiently by Binding Oxygen Cooperatively. [online] Available at: 21 Mar. 2020].
  •  Hampton, M. (2017). Myoglobin- Key Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2020].
  •  RCSB: PDB-101. (2019). PDB101: Molecule of the Month: Hemoglobin. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2020].


  • Sigel, A., Helmut Sigel and Sigel, R.K.O. (2006). Metal ions in life sciences. Chichester ; Hoboken, Nj: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [Accessed 23 Mar. 2020].