Ri Summer School: Forensics


Every summer I look forward to attending some of the several Summer School workshops organised by the Royal Institution; this year I particularly loved the LYSC Forensics workshop (01.08.18) which focused on the DNA fingerprinting process to identify and compare DNA samples.

Understanding the basics of DNA can help us get a better understanding of forensics and how techniques can be used to identify criminals from only a few drops of blood at a crime scene.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long molecule which consists of billions of smaller units known as nucleotides. Just as there are differences in our appearances, there are also differences in our DNA which are known as genomic variations. The genomic variations between people tend to be very minor and the more closely related two people are, the smaller the variation between their genomes. Two random, non-related people would have 99.9% of their DNA in common and yet there are still more than three million differences between your genome and anyone else’s.

These variations arise due to mutations – changes that occasionally occur in a DNA sequence during replication. When a mutation occurs in a in a sperm cell or an egg cell, it will be passed along to the offspring. Your genome contains around 100 mutations which make it unique.

Most genome variations are relatively minor; to help put this into perspective, I like to visualise the human genome as a book. If you’ve ever been to the Wellcome Collection, you might have discovered the Library of the Human Genome – an expansive bookcase containing a human genome typed out in a series of 109 books.  With that in mind, the books of your genome and mine would essentially tell the same story but yours might have a typo on page 17 of book 56 whilst mine might be missing a few letters on the penultimate page of book 34.

Related image

(Credit: Wikipedia)

The differences seem so small that it is remarkable that they can be detected through the use of forensic techniques.

The workshop explained and guided us through the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) technique of DNA fingerprinting; this process was the first DNA profiling technique which was inexpensive enough to see widespread application.

In the workshop, we were presented with (isolated) DNA found at a hypothetical crime scene and samples of DNA from five ‘suspects’. By adding a restriction endonuclease (a type of digestive enzyme produced by bacteria), we chemically ‘cut’ the DNA into fragments. My work experience at the Centre for Liver Research proved extremely helpful during the workshop as I was already comfortable with using a micropipette to transfer and mix substances.

The next step in the process involved separating the fragments through the process of gel electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis takes advantage of the fact that DNA is negatively charged and that, due to genomic variation, the isolated fragments of DNA will be of different sizes.

First, we prepared the gel by pouring agarose into a casting tray and pressing a well comb into the molten agarose. When the agarose set, the comb was removed to create a series of wells in the gel.


The fragments are separated by passing an electric current through the gel. This causes the negatively-charged DNA to move from the wells to the positively-charged electrode through the agarose. Shorter fragments can move easily through the pores in the agarose and so will move faster and migrate farther than longer fragments in a given time. This separates the fragments of DNA into bands. The unique pattern of bands of the suspects’ DNA can then be compared to that of the DNA found at the crime scene.


(A blue loading dye was added to the DNA samples before pipetting them into the gel. The dye is co-migratory and so will separate and migrate at the same rate as the DNA fragments. )

After the gel was run, we used a transilluminator to better see the bands of DNA fragments.


From this, we could conclude that the DNA found at the crime scene belonged to Suspect 3 – the experiment was a success!


Dissection : A Tour of the Brain


The human brain, despite its vast complexities, has a relatively straightforward architecture. This post will explore the structure of one of the most important organs of the body.

Imagine that you are looking at a human brain sitting on the lab worktop before you.


At first sight, the brain appears to consist entirely of a large mass of spongy tissue. These deeply folded outer layers of the brain make up the cerebral cortex and take up nearly two thirds of the entire volume of the brain.

Trace the seemingly erratic pattern of curved  grooves on the surface (the sulci) and you will be able to identify the major divisions of the cerebral cortex. Divided into two hemispheres (which are bridged by a bundle of fibres called the corpus callosum), the cerebral cortex houses the majority of the ‘grey matter’ and is separated into a few important lobes.


The first lobes you notice are the frontal lobes. They are aptly named considering that they are found at the front of the brain (near the forehead). The lobes (one in each hemisphere) are responsible for decision making, planning, memory, voluntary action, and even personality. Next, you spot the parietal lobes which are located at the crown of the head. These lobes are heavily involved in perception and interpretation of all sensory information. They are also necessary for spatial awareness and attention. Below the parietal lobes lie the occipital lobes. Found at the back of the brain, the occipital lobes are mainly involved in vision. Damage to the occipital lobes often leads to blindness as well as other vision-related defects.

Now imagine picking up the brain (whilst wearing latex gloves- naturally). Raise it above eye level and you will see the prominent brain stem emerging from the base of the brain. In vivo, this would be connected to the spinal cord- linking the brain to the body. Gently place the brain back down to observe the cerebellum.


Our last stop on this tour is the cerebellum. Nestled just behind the brain stem, the cauliflower-shaped brain structure plays an important role in not only movement, fine motor control, and posture but also in memory, mood, and language processing as well as Pavlovian learning.

This is post is part of the Neuroscience Crash Course and Dissection Series and is  supplementary to the more detailed tour . I also recommend exploring the interactive 3D model of the brain (powered by the Wellcome Trust).