A Closer Look at Neurons


The previous post explained the nervous system- a circuit which transfers messages throughout the body. Now it is time to look even more closely at the nervous system and, in particular, then the individual units of its circuitry- the neurons.

The neuron is the basic working unit of the brain. The specialized cell’s function is to transmit information to other nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells. The human brain contains approximately 100 billion neurons!

All neurons consist of a cell body, dendrites, and an axon.  The axon extends from the cell body and ends in several nerve terminals. Dendrites also extend from the neuron cell body and receive messages from other neurons.


Basic structure of a neuron (Credit: Bitesize)


The point of contact between two neurons is called a synapse- dendrites are covered with synapses where they connect with the nerve terminals of other axons.


(Credit: Biology Stack Exchange)

In order to send messages to other neurons, electrical impulses are transmitted along the axons. Just like in a computer, the efficiency of electrical transmissions  in the brain is imperative. In order to ensure this, axons are covered with a layered myelin sheath that helps accelerate transmissions. (If you are interested in how the myelin sheath can do this, I’ve explain this in further detail at the end of the post.) Glia (a type of specialised cell) form the myelin sheath. The naming of glia varies depending on where they are found; in the brain, they are called oligodendrocytes, and in the peripheral nervous system, they are known as Schwann cells.


(Credit: Lumen Learning)

Glia are essential for the proper functioning of the brain as they perform many important roles such as transporting nutrients to neurons, cleaning up brain debris, digesting parts of dead neurons, and helping hold neurons in place. Surprisingly, there are ten times more glia than neurons in the brain.


A microscopy image to put things into perspective (Credit: Quora)


Communication in the brain requires nerve impulses which involve the opening and closing of ion channels. Ion channels are molecular, water-filled tunnels which pass through the cell membranes of neurons and allow ions (which are electrically charged) to enter or leave the cell. As ions flow through an ion channel, an electric current is created- resulting in small differences in voltage across the neuron’s cell membrane.

This difference in charge is essential for allowing a neuron to generate an electrical impulse. When a nerve impulse is initiated, the neuron switches from a negative charge state to a positive charge state (causing a “dramatic reversal” in the electrical potential of the cell). This change, known as action potential, then passes along the axon’s membrane. The action potential can travel at impressive speeds of up to hundreds of miles per hour which allows neurons to generate electrical impulses multiple times every second.


(Credit: Crash Course)

When the action potential reaches the end of an axon, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters released at nerve terminals diffuse across the synapse and bind to receptors on the surface of the target cell (i.e. neuron or  a muscle or gland cell). This interaction alters the electrical potential of the target cell’s membrane and triggers a response from the target cell. The response can range from the generation of an action potential to the contraction of a muscle.

Neurotransmitters are an important area of research as they could help us understand even more of the brain. Learning about the various chemical circuits of the brain could help explain how memories are created and stored as well as what is responsible for disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

The next post will be all about this fascinating chemical messenger.

The myelin sheath is essential for speeding up transmission. Instead of merely propagating continuously down the axon, the action potential is generated at the bare regions (known as the nodes of Ranvier) where there is no myelin (found between myelinated segments of the axon).



(Credit: hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu)



This post  is part of the Neuroscience Crash Course (a mini series about the brain created in preparation for the Brain Bee) .

Sending Signals: How the brain relays information


The first post of this crash course explored the areas of the brain and their functions. This post will delve deeper into how areas of the brain communicate with each other and the rest of the body.

The spinal cord (an extension of the brain which is about 17 inches long and protected by the vertebral column) receives sensory information and connects the brain to the rest of the body below the head. The sensory information it receives is used for reflex responses to pain as well as generating nerve impulses in nerves that control the muscles and organs through voluntary commands from the cerebrum.

The nervous system is a network of nerve cells and fibres which transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body. If you crave a more eloquent definition, in Brain Facts the nervous system is defined as

“a vast biological computing device formed by a network of gray matter regions interconnected by white matter tracts” – Louis Vera-Portocarrero

There are two great divisions of the nervous system: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord. The PNS consists of nerves and small concentrations of grey matter called ganglia.


The PNS can be further divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

The somatic nervous system is comprised of neurons which connect the CNS with the parts of the body that interact with its surroundings (the sensory organs and voluntary muscles). Somatic nerves in the cervical region control the neck and arms; those in the thoracic region serve the chest; and those in the lumbar and sacral regions interact with the legs.


Somatic nerve regions (Credit: Brain Facts)

The autonomic nervous system is comprised of neurons connecting the CNS with internal organs and it is also divided into two parts: the sympathetic nervous system (which provides energy and resources during times of stress and arousal) and the parasympathetic nervous system (which conserves energy and resources during relaxed states).


This diagram explains the nervous system and its many subdivisions very clearly (Credit:Psychology Hacked)


Messages are carried throughout the nervous system by neurons. The next post will explore the structure of neurons and how they transmit and receive messages.

This post  is part of the Neuroscience Crash Course (a mini series about the brain created in preparation for the Brain Bee) .

Biology Week 2017


Today marks the last day of the Biology Week and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of attending one of the numerous events organised by the Royal Society of Biology. Just yesterday (Saturday 14th October), I attended the Bioscience Careers Day at King’s College London to get a better glimpse into degrees and careers in bioscience.

Since I’m still only in Year 11, some of the content of the day (such as how to decide whether to do a PhD) didn’t really apply to me at the moment, however I still gained a very valuable insight into the different bioscience fields. I found talking to the representatives of the societies under the RSB umbrella extremely useful; many were surprised by how young I was but were more than happy to advise me on what I could do to learn more about their fields and be better prepared for applying to universities.

The day culminated in a fascinating tour of the Gordon Museum. The Gordon Museum of Pathology is the largest medical museum in the UK with large galleries full of specimens (a sight which is equal parts captivating and unnerving).


(Unfortunately, since taking photos was forbidden, I can only show you the photographs on the KCL website)


A pathological specimen showing the sagittal (top) and axial (bottom) cross sections of a heart that has undergone a myocardial infarction.