Why losing the bees would be a major buzzkill


If you frequently find yourself on Youtube, you might have noticed the ‘Bring Back the Bees Campaign’ advert launched by the company, Burt’s Bees. If you haven’t- check it out here!

As with all adverts, the intention of Burt’s Bees is for you to buy their products- but the key underlying message is  clear; bees are vital for our survival.

Whilst the video is trying to make improvements (both to the planet and to their profits), it only scratches the surface of the topic. I did a little more research into pollination and why bees are so crucial as well as why they are mysteriously disappearing.

Without further ado, let’s bee-gin!

(Sorry, I had too)

Like all living organisms, reproduction is essential to the survival of plants. Albeit their inability to move makes this more difficult, bees and other pollinators enable plants to undergo sexual reproduction. One could say that they are wingmen.

But to learn about the role of pollinators, first we must understand reproduction in flowers.

(Credit: TutorVista)


Pollination, like sex, requires ‘male’ and ‘female’ anatomy- all flowering plants have both sets of anatomy.

In flowers, the ‘male parts’ are known as the stamen and produce a sticky powder called pollen. The ‘female parts’ are known as the pistil. At the top of the pistil is the sticky stigma. In order to be pollinated, pollen must be transferred from a stamen to a stigma.

Flowers can be self-pollinated if pollen from a plant’s stamen move to its own stigma. This is not ideal for plants as this can lead to hereditary disorders being passed onto the new plants. The much better alternative is cross-pollination as the offspring plants are stronger. In cross-pollination, pollen from a plant’s stamen moves to a different plant’s stigma.

In order to allow the pollen to move from stamen to stigma, one of two things must happen:

  •  The wind picks up the pollen from the stamen and releases it on a stigma (this process is very inefficient as the wind can drop the pollen literally anywhere and there is a low likelihood of pollen falling directly onto a stigma of the same species of plant; in compensation wind-pollinated plants release astronomical amounts of pollen, as hay-fever sufferers know all too well).
  • An insect (or sometimes an animal) visits the flower and, whilst doing so, brushes past the anthers  (the top section of the stamen) which causes pollen to stick to its body. Then the insect visits another flower and brushes against the stigma, causing pollen to fall of its body and onto the stigma. Option two can be more reliable and is, understandably, the more common method of pollination.

Reading about pollination is not nearly as fun as watching it in action- before moving on check out a few clips from Louie Schwartzberg’s ‘Wings of Life’ which reveals the true beauty of this fascinating process.

I have now explained the basics of pollination, so it is time to add another level of complexity. Not all pollinators pollinate all plants- in fact, there is a more complicated network.

Plants can be considered either specialists (only a few pollinators visit them) or generalists (a very wide range of pollinators visit them). The majority of plants are specialists. Pollinators can also be considered either specialists (visiting only a few plant species) or generalists (visiting a very wide range of plants). Again, the majority of pollinators are specialists

Most pollination networks are ‘nested’- specialist pollinators only tend to interact with generalist plants and vice versa. This is important as it prevents specialist species becoLouie Schwartzberg’s ‘Wings of Life’ ming overly dependent on each other.

Here’s why the honeybee is so important; it is a generalist pollinator. There are very few other generalist pollinators, and yet so many specialist plants rely heavily on honeybee visits. If the honeybee were to go extinct, it would significantly damage the ecosystem and have extreme impacts on all creatures.

This is why it is a devastating fact that the honeybee populations have been falling rapidly in the recent years. Bee disappearance is not new- for centuries hives have experienced such issues, but as this disappearance has become increasingly serious (affecting more than half of all US hives) it has been classed as ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’.

The question we must ask ourselves is “why?”

There are currently three leading theories:

  • The first is that bees are now under significant threat from pests and disease. The most infamous pest is the Varroa Mite, which not only outright kills bees, but also infects bees with pathogens which shorten their lifespan.
  • The second theory is that their own genes are threatening their survival. Ever since the commercial farming of bees has grown popular, the majority of queen bees (responsible for creating colonies) have been bred from a very small selection of original queens. This lack of genetic diversity might have weakened the immune systems of today’s bees,  leaving them more vulnerable to disease.
  • The third notion is that chemicals (from pesticides and other sources) are entering the bees’ food source and poisoning them. Some pesticides even affect the homing ability of bees.

It is most likely that all these factors work together to cause a significant population decline. Marla Spivak explained this wonderfully in her TED Talk.

I don’t know what it feels like to a bee to have a big, bloodsucking parasite running around on it, and I don’t know what it feels like to a bee to have a virus, but I do know what it feels like when I have a virus, the flu, and I know how difficult it is for me to get to the grocery store to get good nutrition. But … what if I had to travel a long distance to get to the grocery store, and I finally got my weak body out there and I consumed, in my food, enough of a pesticide, a neurotoxin, that I couldn’t find my way home? And this is what we mean by multiple and interacting causes of death.

Whilst learning about this issue in order to write this post, the solution became clear to me. We need to provide bees with ample food if we need them to perform an integral role in our food creation. We need to plant bee-friendly flowers and not contaminate them with pesticides. Commercial farming must aim to be sustainable, not merely efficient- there have to be plentiful flowering hedge rows (that are not contaminated with pesticides) within the sea of crop to ensure that food for the bees is always nearby. Once this is ensured, we can move onto pest control and breeding stronger bees.

There are many more steps that can be taken, but, for a start, I will buy a Burt’s Bees lip balm if it means that 5,000 more bee-friendly wildflowers will be planted to rebuild the population.

We can bring back the bees but we must bee proactive.

The Royal Society Summer Exhibition


What could be a better way to kick off the summer than with a festival unlike any other?

Attending the Royal Society Summer Exhibition made for a perfect day out- it enables virtually anyone to easily connect with science and understand even fairly bewildering concepts.  There are 22 exhibits (each discussing cutting-edge techniques and concepts in niche fields) so there truly is something for everyone.

For anyone who was unable to attend this year, here is a summary of the highlights and my personal favourites.


Glowing Corals

In order to effectively research the causes of some of the most significant and threatening diseases (such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, or HIV/AIDS), it is important to be able to track sub-cellular structures- such as proteins, which play a critical part in both infection (viruses) and recovery. This, however, can be very difficult to do- especially inside living cells.
Enter corals. Corals (along with jellyfish, sea anemones, and a few other marine creatures) contain and release fluorescent pigments which glow red, yellow, or green under blue light. The fluorescent molecules can be attached to proteins which enables them to glow and light up the cell- making it easier to observe cells and sub-cellular structures under the microscope.


(Credit: J Wiedenmann)

In addition to this, research is being done as to why corals are fluorescent. Currently, a leading theory is that they release fluorescent pigments under stress or to enable symbiosis. This research could be used to help protect the coral reefs that are suffering due to climate change.

DNA Origami

It has been nearly 15 years since the completion of the Human Genome Project and recent advances in technology has made it possible to understand how the 3 billion letters of our genetic code can cause disease.
Now the University of Oxford is taking a different approach by looking at how genome folding (and folding errors) can cause illness (such as some rare blood diseases). New technology is being trialled to better visualise how DNA folds in 3D space.

An animation created by the Royal Society explains the concept of DNA folding.

Mapping cancer’s secret chemistry

Despite the fact that we now know more about cancer than ever before, the inner workings of a tumour are still a mystery. Until we can solve this mystery, effective diagnosis and treatment may still be just a little out of reach.
For this reason, the National Physics Laboratory is collaborating with Cancer Research UK to “map cancer in unprecedented detail”. Using  new mass spectrometry imaging techniques, they endeavour to create a ‘Google Earth’ of cancer tumours- looking at the diversely complex “communities of cancer cells” at a range of scales to better understand them.


Overall, the Royal Society Summer Exhibition was a fantastic event and it really ignited my curiosity. I certainly intend on going next year and I hope you do too.

I would like to leave you with this awesome video of me holding a soft robotic heart (3D printed out of silicon) that pulses at the same rate as my own- an experience made possible by the ‘Heart in your hands’ exhibit!



Whilst trudging through Ashdown Forest in April as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Expedition, I chanced upon a bone that was almost buried under the layer of foliage that covered the forest floor. It was pretty well hidden but my eyesight had become quite sharp after playing a never-ending game of ‘I spy’ (our group had collectively lost all creativity by midday).  Besides the occasional stray sheep, this was the only fascinating find- so naturally, it was coming home with me.

I later identified the bone (pictured below) to be the mandible (lower jaw) of a deer.


Out of sheer curiosity, I proceeded to delve deeper into the topic of deer and their anatomy and see just how much a single bone could reveal.

(I have drawn all the diagrams and sketches myself in order to further my explanations.)


The mandible is light (weighing less than 200 grams) and has been broken at the mental foramen (see Figure 2) so that the incisors have been lost.  All the teeth are present and fairly firmly attached but can be moved slightly from side to side in their socket. (Side note- shaking the mandible like a rattle next to your friend’s ear just as they’re about to fall asleep is a sure-fire way to get thrown out of the tent!)


Initially, I thought it was of a Whitetail Deer (Odocoileus Virginianus), but it is more likely to be of a Fallow Deer (Dama Dama) due to ecological factors. The fallow deer belongs to the Cervidae family and is a species that is native to Western Europe. The male of the species is called a buck and the female, a doe. The average lifespan of a fallow deer in 12 to 16 years. Knowing this, we can infer that the deer in question did not die from natural causes (more on this later).

There are four common variants of fallow deer:

  • Common- chestnut coat with white mottling
  • Menil – similar to the common variant but with more distinctive spots
  • Melanistic- black or dark grey coat
  • Leucistic – white coat lacking any pigmentation


A closer look at the mandible reveals teeth marks (some deep but most are shallow) on the diastema, proving that it was definitely gnawed on by a smaller animal (see the figure above). If the teeth marks had been shallower and fewer, I would have assumed that it had only been picked up or roughly handled. Since there are many deeper marks, it is likely that the mandible had been chewed for its mineral value.

Bone is rich in salts of calcium and phosphates which are beneficial minerals for bone growth. The major salt is hydroxyapatite. Its chemical formula is Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 and it has a complex crystalline structure.

Due to its mineral benefits, some animals (including giraffes) actually consume bones. This process is known as osteophagy and is more common in herbivores as vegetation tends to provide very little calcium. This mandible does not appear to be a ‘victim’ of attempted osteophagy, however, as the teeth marks appear to be those of a carnivore.

The occasional deep scratch found on the corpus also suggests that an animal roughly handled the bone when it was mostly clean of flesh.

Teeth can also reveal a lot about the deer, but to understand these ‘secrets’, we must first understand the anatomy of teeth.

Teeth are comprised of two substances: enamel and dentin.

Enamel is a very hard, white(ish), highly mineralised tissue that acts as a barrier to protect the tooth. Dentin is a yellow/brown tissue that is both less brittle and less mineralised- it is needed to support the enamel. (See the figures below).



As a deer ages, their teeth wear down. The lingual crests are the first to be sanded down and over time, more of the dentin becomes exposed. The enamel to dentin ratio can be measured to easily age the deer. From the mandible I found, I can infer that the deer was around three and a half years old at the time of death as the amount of dentin is twice the amount of enamel.

The Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions are a time of self-discovery and exploration- but on my most recent expedition, I discovered something far greater- the potential of research and the simple, yet immense, joy it can bring.